Mini Bathroom Makeover- Part I

Let's face it.  There's nothing in the world I love more than wallpaper.  Wait, wallpaper with purple roses on it!! And to move into a house in 2007 and find that the powder room had wallpaper with purple roses on it?

Well, let's just say I was VERY excited.

I'm lying.  Like a rug.  And after 5 years of staring at that Golden Girls nightmare, I decided to start a mini bathroom makeover. And it began with this.....

Liberating.  And extremely immature at the very same time.

Then, I decided to rent a wallpaper steamer at our local hardware store.

(*Note: our house has/had wallpaper ALL OVER IT when we moved in.  We tried the Diff spray method w/ the scraper.  It was awful and left blue slime everywhere.  A steamer is the way to remove, hands down.)

Commence weekend of steaming while trying to keep toddler and French Bulldog away from boiling hot steamer.

Over the door frame I found the mark of the beast himself...

Charlie?  I will find you.

Walls finished, and continued on with steaming all extra paper and glue off the walls.  Finished off by sanding the walls down to make sure that all extra crap was smooth.  Now......what do I do with this blank canvas of a bathroom?
